CAHON's 20th Anniversary Art Contest!
Dear CAHON Members,
We are inviting members of the Chinese American Hematologist and Oncologist Network (CAHON) Community (members, family members, colleagues) to submit artwork that will be used to promote CAHON’s 20th Anniversary throughout 2025. The winning artwork will be featured on the CAHON website, meeting materials, photo backdrop, slide decks and more during CAHON’s 2025 activities. The artwork should incorporate the CAHON logo and the words “20th Anniversary”.
Contest Rules:
Open to anyone in the CAHON community
Submissions due January 10, 2025
Submit the artwork in a png, jpg or jjpeg format
Artwork size: recommend file size should be between 500kb and 5MB saved as a compressed high quality image
2D original art any media or photography
You must have permission to use photos or artwork
No business or school logo is to be on the artwork submission. Submissions will be disqualified if this is included.
AI cannot be used to create the art
CAHON reserves the right to disqualify any submission
By submitting the artwork, you are agreeing that CAHON can use it for promotion for CAHON's 20th Anniversary year.
Submit your artwork here:
CAHON's 20th Anniversary Task Force