1 414-918-9890

Board of Directors

2024 - 2026

Board Chair


Jing-Zhou Hou, MD, PhD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Liang Deng, MD, PhD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, New York

Board Chair-Elect


Lei Zheng, MD, PhD
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Yi Feng, MD, PhD
Tennessee Cancer Specialists
Knoxville, Tennessee

Immediate Past Board Chair

Immediate Past President

RuiRong Yuan, MD, PhD
VA Medical Center
East Orange, New Jersey
Bo Zhao, MD
Virginia Oncology Associates
Williamsburg, Virginia





Yuxia Jia, MD, PhD
Food and Drug Administration
Silver Spring, Maryland
Chong-xian Pan, MD, PhD
Harvard Medical School
West Roxbury, Massachusetts
Sen Zhuang, MD, PhD
Johnson & Johnson
Raritan, New Jersey
Zihai Li, MD, PhD
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio


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