RuiRong Yuan, MD, PhD
Immediate Past Board Chair
Dr. RuiRong Yuan is a board certified and licensed medical oncologist and has 15 years of experience in biotech and pharmaceutical industries. She has played a critical leadership role in discovery, early and late stage drug development, global regulatory approval, successful life cycle management and commercialization of multiple compounds. Dr. Yuan is now serving on several scientific advisory boards (SABs) of international biotech companies. Her past leadership roles include Regional Medical Head of Novartis Oncology (incl. >30 countries), President & Chief Medical Officer of Adlai Nortye, President & Chief Medical Officer at BeiGene, Chief Medical Officer & Head of Global Medical Affairs (MA) at Eisai Oncology, and Head of Oncology MA & Head of multiple therapeutic areas at Daiichi Sankyo.
Dr. Yuan has extensive clinical practice and academic research experience as a physician-scientist at top hospitals & research institutes in the US, Switzerland and China. She completed her immunology post-doctoral research and internal medicine residency training at Albert Einstein College of Medicine; clinical Hem/Onc fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). Prior to moving to pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Yuan was a faculty member and assistant professor at New Jersey Medical School. She was the Chief of Tumor and Neuroimmunology research labs at VA Medical center, where she remains on staff as a volunteer attending hematologist and oncologist. She has published many peer-reviewed original research articles and holds multiple patents related to either cancer treatment or autoimmune disease therapy.
For many years, Dr. Yuan has been actively involved in promoting international cancer research collaborations. She previously served the International Affairs Committee of ASCO. She has been an executive board member of Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) since 2005, Vice Chair of CSCO-Committee of Overseas Experts since 2018. As one of the founding members of the Chinese American Hematologist and Oncologist Network (CAHON), Dr. Yuan previously served as its president and Board chair.
Hobby: Atlantic salmon fly fishing