1 414-918-9890

History & Milestones

1999     Chinese American Hematologists and Oncologists (CAHOs) began to meet informally at the ASH and ASCO annual meetings

2004     A 23 member CAHON Organizing Committee formed and created an “Open Letter” to recruit members 

ASH 2004


2005     CAHON inaugural member meeting took place at ASCO’s Annual meeting
             Bylaws were created and CAHON was formally registered in New York State as a non-profit organization
             The Officers and Board of Directors were formed and met during ASH’s Annual Meeting

ASCO 2005 ASH 2005 ASCO 2006


2007     CAHON’s 2nd Annual Meeting took place during ASCO and included an educational component
             The first Presidential Annual Report was created and shared with members
             CAHON represetatives at CSCO 2007

CSCO 2007 ASCO 2007


2008     CAHON launched its official Journal of Hematology and Oncology (JHO)

2009     CAHON Board Members meet at ASCO

ASCO 2007


2010     First CAHON-SITC-CSCO Workshop takes place during CSCO’s Annual Meeting

2012     CAHON awards first Young Investigator Awards

2014     First New York Oncology Forum Takes Place

NYOF 2019


2015    CAHON-AACR Reception

2015     CAHON co-sponsors China Cancer Immunotherapy Workshop (China IO) with CFDA
             CAHON launches first Virtual Grand Rounds
             CAHON establishes Lifetime Achievement, Outstanding Service and Junior Investigator Awards

10 Years Old - CAHON Original Board Members


2018     CAHON membership grows to 300
             Executive Director, Inc. is hired to manage CAHON
             CAHON holds first Community Oncology Forum
             Most active year of US-China professional collaboration

China IO 2018
ASH 2018 ASCO 2018
  ASCO 2018  
COF 2018


2019     CAHON publishes an open letter condemning racial profiling in Science
             CAHON hosts the Summer Symposium during ASCO, New York Oncology Forum and Winter Symposium during ASH
             CAHON also cohosted the China IO

Committee 100, SF - CAHON Representatives 2019 ASH 2019
ASCO 2019
NYOF 2019
China IO 2019


2020   CAHON supports the healthcare community in the United States and China during the COVID-19 pandemic through PPE donation, fundraising and resource sharing.

2021   CAHON leads 33 organizations to sign a letter denouncing rise in violence and hate crimes against Asian Americans as an ad in Science

2022   CAHON's official Journal of Hematology and Oncology (JHO) reaches a 23.168 Impact Factor

NYOF 2022


2023     In May CAHON Co-authored a follow up letter condemning racial profiling in Science

COF 2023

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